Though he wasn’t perfect, King David was always passionate about ministering to the presence of God. In fact it was the pursuit of his entire life. This moved the heart of God in a way that shaped history and sustained David's soul in every season he faced.
Now, 3,000 years later, there is a generation rising who, like David, are more concerned with the Presence of God having a resting place than any other thing!
Will you be a part of this generation?
On November 22-25, 2020, we urge you to gather with thousands of other burning hearts for the Heart of David Virtual Conference Experience as we exalt Jesus through extended times of worship and teaching of God's word!
You will experience the power of the Holy Spirit in a tangible way, even in a digital atmosphere as much as you would in person!
Our primary aim is to encounter Jesus as we continue to strengthen the global worship movement.
Will you join us?